Princess Laura Adorkor Kofi/Kofey

Princess Laura Adorkor Kofi/Kofey

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Long time, no post....haha. Life has been in full effect on my end but nonetheless, I am still here. Enough about me as this is not the intent of this blog (I may create a personal one in the future. Who knows...). Although I have been on a somewhat hiatus, I have always kept the honorable Princess Kofi, her program and her faithful children -as they like to call themselves- close to my heart and thoughts.

I reached out to her real children not too long ago and I am happy to post that they are doing quite well. The sanctuary and land are still intact and they have even launched a website! Check it out . It's quite remarkable that they are getting their story out even more and receiving the awareness and exposure they well deserve. They say they are still fighting but believe the enemy has weakened and that victory is well on its way. I love how faithful they are and how it has gotten them this far! I am truly happy for them and will continue to spectate, support and document  (with their permission of course) as much as I can. This time more often... life will just have to understand.

I've also been told that more things are in store for the church (The Missionary African Universal Church) and Adorkaville and to "keep watching God." This should be their slogan... As soon as I hear more details, I will post and share. How exciting!